"21st Century literature Genres (Doodle Fiction, Graphic Novel, and manga) Meaning, Difination and Examples of the 3 following Genres"
"21st Century Literary Genres: Doodle Fiction, Graphic Novel, and Manga- Differences and Similarities "
Hi Welcome to my Blog, in this Blog There are different kinds of 21st Century Literary Genres, but I will show you these 3 following genres; Doodle Fiction, Graphic Novel, and Manga -including their similarities and differences.
Doodle fiction
-A literary presentation where the author incorporates doodle drawings and hand written graphics in place of traditional font. Drawings enhance the story, often adding humorous elements that would be missing if the illustrations were omitted.
- This genre is a type of fiction in which the author uses doodle writing and drawing to tell a story.
- Instead than using a traditional font, graphics were handwritten.
- Pictures and sketches, on the other hand, provide comedic elements to the story.
- Doodle Fictions use handwritten elements to write its text and drawing.
The examples of doodle?
-Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kenny.
— The Search for The Slimy Space Slugs by Mike Lowery.
A doodle is a casual or rough drawing made without much thought. A little picture of a house you made on the back of a napkin without a lot of thought going into it is an example of a doodle.
According to a study published in the scientific journal Applied Cognitive Psychology, doodling can aid a person's memory by expending just enough energy to keep one from daydreaming, which demands a lot of the brain's processing power, as well as from not paying attention. Thus, it acts as a mediator between the spectrum of thinking too much or thinking too little and helps focus on the current situation. The study was done by Professor Jackie Andrade, of the School of Psychology at the University of Plymouth, who reported that doodlers in her experiment recalled 7.5 pieces of information (out of 16 total) on average, 29% more than the average of 5.8 recalled by the control group made of non-doodlers.
Graphic Novel
-A Graphical Novel is a full-length story with comic content represented in an illustrated or graphical style. Oxford English Dictionary defines the term as “a full-length (esp. science fiction or fantasy) story published as a book in comic-strip format.” Graphic Novels must have a proper beginning, middle and an end. Graphic novels combine text and pictures equally in order to convey a narrative.
- Graphic Novels are story-driven and written in a style of a comic book.
- It can be fiction or non-fiction, long or short story.
- This genre are generally stand-alone stories with more complex plots.
- This genre are drawn in a particularly Americanized graphic style and must be read from left to right .
Examples of Graphic Novels are the following:
— The Prince and the Dressmaker by Jen Wang.
Images have been used to tell stories throughout history, even in cave drawings. Graphic novels can be considered the latest step in the evolution of comic strips, which appeared in newspapers as early as the late 19th century. Comic strips then became comic books in the early 1900s.
According to Michael R. Lavin, reading graphic novels “may require more complex cognitive skills than reading text alone.” Schwarz also points out that the graphic novel format is being used for other subject areas beyond fiction and history.
- Manga ( Japanese: 漫画 [maŋga]) are comics or graphic novels originating from Japan. Most manga conform to a style developed in Japan in the late 19th century, and the form has a long prehistory in earlier Japanese art. The term manga is used in Japan to refer to both comics and cartooning.
- Manga is a broad term that refers to a wide range of Japanese-produced and published comic books.
- Unlike American comic books, which are nearly often produced in color, Japanese Manga is almost always printed in black and white. Full-color prints are usually reserved for limited-edition products.
- Manga is read from left to right and uses a highly distinct Japanese art technique to draw the visuals.
Examples of Manga are the following:
Manga stories are typically printed in black-and-white, although some full-color manga exist (e.g., Colorful). In Japan, manga are usually serialized in large manga magazines, often containing many stories, each presented in a single episode to be continued in the next issue.
According to NPD BookScan manga made up 76% of overall comics and graphic novel sales in the US in 2021. The fast growth of the North American manga market has been attributed to manga's wide availability on digital reading apps, book retailer chains such as Barnes & Noble and online retailers such as Amazon as well as the increased streaming of anime. According to Jean-Marie Bouissou, manga represented 38% of the French comics market in 2005. This is equivalent to approximately 3 times that of the United States and was valued at about €460 million ($640 million). In Europe and the Middle East, the market was valued at $250 million in 2012.
Similarities of Three Genres
These three Literary forms, Graphic Novel, Manga and Doodle Fiction are made up of drawings, graphics and illustrations to tell stories. Manga, according to what I’ve observed nowadays, is the most popular and well-liked. Graphic novels and doodle fictions have great styles as well,but Manga, in my opinion is more engaging. It has been extremely popular in recent years, particularly among teens.
So that wraps up these three literary artistic genres; I hope you learned something from this blog.The first paragraph in this blog is solely my opinion.
All the genres above contains drawings, illustrations, and graphics in telling a story. I can say that it is worthy to read!