"21st Century literature Genres (Doodle Fiction, Graphic Novel, and manga) Meaning, Difination and Examples of the 3 following Genres"
"21st Century Literary Genres: Doodle Fiction, Graphic Novel, and Manga- Differences and Similarities " Hi Welcome to my Blog, in this Blog There are different kinds of 21st Century Literary Genres, but I will show you these 3 following genres; Doodle Fiction, Graphic Novel, and Manga -including their similarities and differences. Doodle fiction - A literary presentation where the author incorporates doodle drawings and hand written graphics in place of traditional font. Drawings enhance the story, often adding humorous elements that would be missing if the illustrations were omitted. This genre is a type of fiction in which the author uses doodle writing and drawing to tell a story. Instead than using a traditional font, graphics were handwritten. Pictures and sketches, on the other hand, provide comedic elements to the story. Doodle Fictions use handwritten elements to write its text and drawing. The examples of doodle? -Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kenny. — The Search for ...